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Saturday, May 29, 2010

First Non-Grill Recipe

I won't explain the set of circumstances, but the Bride and I needed margaritas tonight.  We started off with Alton Brown's Margaritas, but then I remembered that The Guide had a recipe.  Being an opportunist, I made the Tie-Breaker Margaritas on page 35.

This recipe was much easier than Alton Brown's, and a lot less time-consuming to make.  In just two minutes or less, you could be enjoying:

What I liked about this is that there is no pre-made mix involved.  They are rediculous as far as sugar is concerned, and lack freshness.  As far as taste, I'll quote The Bride, "Holy ----!"  Upon her second taste, she stated, "Tastes like feet.  Yup!  THAT'S a margarita."  I chuckled at this as I made mine.  I think it tasted fine.  For a quarter cup of tequila per margarita, this was rather smooth and enjoyable.  No feet were detected on my end.  In fact, this was so easy to consume that this could be a rather dangerous drink, because Lord knows that I make such wonderful decisions when drinking tequila.  In all, I liked Alton Brown's recipe more, but I would call it (and The Bride would agree) more of a martini than a margarita, but Weber's recipe is pretty darned good, much easier to multiply out for mass quantities, and great when pressed for time.

1 comment:

  1. I predict a plethora of 'garitas in your future.


Think of this as Julie and Julia, but for dudes.


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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Just a regular learning to bake