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Thursday, October 6, 2011

My 100th Post!

Holy crap!  This is my 100th post!  Currently I'm too tired to go back and count recipes, but overall (even with my laziness this summer) I've made some serious headway into the Weber book.  When looking for sides and vegetables, I've noticed that it is becoming more and more difficult as I am running low in recipes in those sections.  I'll keep this short and sweet, but here are some stats that I am able to see through blogspot.

I'll start with what I think is most surprising to me.  The odd variety of countries that my audience is coming from to read a silly blog about grilling amuses me.  When I first discovered the stats button, I couldn't believe that I had people reading my blog in countries like Russia, Singapore, etc.

Less impressive, but still interesting (at least to me) is the fact that blogspot can tell which browser people were using when looking at A Guy and His Grill.

Can anyone tell me what this blog looks like on an iPod?  Wow!

Also interesting to me is knowing which of my posts have been popular.  I really can't pin down a good reason why one post gets more hits than another, but one of them is out in the lead by a LARGE margin!

Maybe it is because I used to teach math, but I'm entertained by graphs.  I can't make much of it, other than my "slow" times are quite evident.

So overall I've had a lot of fun with this blog.  My original stated goal has come true, in that I am significantly more confident cooking with charcoal than when I first started.  I can now eyeball amounts of charcoal necessary for various cooking temperatures, and can now even cook certain meals without having to double-check cooking times.  I've even started to improvise some meals without ever looking at the Weber book.  My range of foods that I enjoy has also increased, especially in the fish department.  The biggest drawback, I feel, is that going out to eat is becoming more and more difficult.  I know I can often make the grilled meals I eat at restaurants better and certainly for far less money.  

So what are your thoughts?  Any direction you'd like to see me go?  Is there something I'm not doing that you'd like to see added?  Or worse, is there anything that I do that is annoying that you'd like to see me stop?  I would seriously like to hear from you and see how I can make improvements.  If anything, it would mean a lot to me to read how my audience is enjoying what I do.  Should I keep going?

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Think of this as Julie and Julia, but for dudes.


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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Just a regular learning to bake