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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Impromptu Lunch

The Bride sent me a text this morning indicating that she desired salad for lunch, and inquired if I could grill some chicken for when she got home to add to the salad.  Realizing that there was an opportunity to burn through a recipe, I briefly skimmed for something I could do to chicken in a hurry, and arrived at the conclusion that a rub recipe would be best suited for this mission.  I selected the Type-A Rub on page 53.

I'll keep this quick.  Basically, you make the rub, put it on something like chicken, and then grill it.  The only "problem" I had was that the recipe called for mustard powder, and all I had was mustard seeds.

This was easily remedied with a visit to the spice grinder.

I figured I could mix everything together and grind the mustard seeds as well as the peppercorns all at the same time.


The rub was sprinkled on the chicken breasts and allowed to set in for an hour.

Lovely stuff, really.

I swear there were greens in there somewhere.

The rub is good, but nothing entirely special.  I probably won't be using it again, but it didn't disappoint.  I guess I could sum it up best by saying that it was tasty, but not exactly interesting.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my day!

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Just a regular learning to bake